About us

Who we are

Todd – I’m a retired teacher/coach living in Northeast Texas.  I love to watch competitors and just about all sports.  In the late sixties, just out of high school, I attended University of Baylor School of Radiology Technology.  After completing the two year program, I worked at different hospitals while attending the University of North Texas in Denton.  I’m married to my wife Tricia, a retired teacher/coach, and we reside in Oak Grove, Texas.  We have two kids, Coby and Casey.  My son, Coby, lost a 29 plus year battle with cystic fibrosis in 2008.  My daughter and I have teamed up to write books and give motivational speeches about overcoming trials in life and keeping a positive mindset.

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Casey's blogs

Have you ever had anxiety when the phone rings?

Shaky, sweaty palms, light-headedness, and overall fear were my reactions [...]

Ever gone somewhere only to turn around and leave?

I drove over the bridge to surprise a friend. Nearing [...]

Tired of hearing jokes about your mental health?

“We’re all fragile like Humpty,” Toddford said as he looked [...]

You don’t have to stay set in your negative ways. New mindset, new life.

Brittany Burgunder said, “Mindset is everything.” The author of “Safety [...]